Child Abuse Law Practice and Prevention
Child Abuse Law Practice and Prevention
Author: Emidio A. Desouza Pinho and Andryusha D'Costa Pinho
Year: 2021
This book on Child Abuse: Law, Practice and Prevention, provides a detailed reference to different types of abuse against children as well as the legislations which are attracted. It covers a concise explanation of the intervention required and authorities to approach based on the type of abuse. This is given in a simplified form for the layperson. It will help the readers to identify the type of abuse based on the common signs and steps of intervention.
This book contains 10 chapters which include child abuse; role of different stakeholders such as parents, teachers, well-wishers, and children; the child protection structure and mechanism in India; child sexual abuse; missing child; corporal punishment; online child protection; child labor; child marriage and child domestic abuse.
Every chapter gives an overview of the subject so that the reader will understand the issue. In addition to the main body text of Child Abuse: Law, Practice and Prevention, the book also has an appendix that consists of major legislations pertaining to children.
This book would greatly benefit the layperson and aspiring law students. It would also be handy to the Bar, Bench, legal professionals, NGOs, and individuals who are closely dealing with children. We hope that this book will help in strengthening the working of stakeholders in the field of child protection and avert any recurrence of abuse and victimization.